The perfect...series is intended to help you with some tea preparation basics. This post will focus on what type of tea to drink during the different times of the day.
I love tea anytime of the day but I do prefer some types at different times of the day for various reasons. You need to explore what your body prefers when but here are some helpful guidelines.
Black teas are best before or with breakfast or in the middle of the morning. This is largely driven by the caffeine level in black tea but taste also plays a role.
Green teas are great as a mid-morning or mid- afternoon pick me up. It also makes a great lunch pairing.
Oolong teas are great in the afternoon or before and during dinner.
Pu-erh teas are an amazing way to start your day and they also make great post meal digestives. But remember, they are high in caffeine, so if you are sensitive to caffeine avoid them for dinner.
White teas are gentle brews which makes these teas wonderful mid-afternoon or after dinner companions.

Your blog is really excellent and worth a read. Thanks for Sharing such an informative blog "The perfect time for tea "
This information was informative. Thanks Renee